Data: 2010-11-04 07:13:51 | |
Autor: girl | |
i....' miekki holocaust' | |
How softhy was CIA killing black Jews?
From 'Macrohistory and world report' by FSmitha. com ( we do not know whois FSmitha) "In 1948, approximately 38,000 Jews were living in Libya. There were pogroms against Jews three years before the creation of Israel. More than 140 Jews had been killed in Tripoli and synagogues had been looted. The pogroms came again in 1948. Fifteen Jews were killed and 280 Jewish homes destroyed. Many Jews fled to the safety of Israel. After the Suez Crisis only about 100 remained. And after Muamar al-Gaddafi came to power in 1969, remaining Jewish property was confiscated and debts to Jews cancelled." Why black Jews became a target? Several issues might have bean a focuising motive for these mobsters. I am bascally guessing but guassing aroung the existing them sntiments: 1. To keep lying that holocaust had anything to do with Jes and Jesus, black Jews elimination would have allowed to question the written and painted history of Jesus ( that lived in meditorinian and otehr seas area - what color peole there ?) 2. To dicomposed the ancient Abisynia land for ever ( and, as we know succede with obliterating memory of it). Abisinia was there in 30 ties. It was the kingdom that comprised of most of the Northern Africa - it was a huge land. It is also known for the ancient ( in the true word meaning, not in an American meaning that only means as old as 50 years) 3. To hide behind these Arabs so well ( succes as well), while the Nasser goverment of Egypt was installed ( what else here?) 4. To have more people to blame for the genetic killings, and keep installing goverments as that still so successfull. CIA is a hidden USA army that does not need to hide - we hide them in our mind. It is offensive to our civilisation and people taht inhabit the earth ( when they survive). Please do not be that stupid, when meeting the victims of CIA or other fascists - WE NEED NO ENFORCEMENT OF HUMAN RIGHT ABROAD - WE NEED TO OPEN THESE BANKERS TO PEOPLE, FIRST TO THE VICTIMS,complication being that CIA produces internal victims; the systematic intervention is needed to stop fascism; lots of strategy needed. ( and no one more cover for Hyden - also do not be that stupid to keep asking them for information on who did that holocaust b/c for the chnage they answer). WE HAVE CONTINUED DEFICIT SINCE 1947 AND CIA DOES NOT. AGAIN, WHO IS STUPID? I thought that CIA is not American, just fascist ( WHEN I DIRECTLY OBSERVED HOW THEY DEPLETED ANY SIGN OF INFORMED CONSTITUENCY BEHAVIOR IN WASHINGTON DC AND SEND THE HIT CREW TO ANY MEETIUNG THAT AT WHICH PEOPLE STILL MENTIONED CITIZENS REPFESENTATION THERE) as it does not report the budget to anyone and steaL ANY LAND AROUND THE WORLD ( that is not just RE-MAX, YOU CAN GUESS TOO). Insted: "I DESEGREE' 'I D CLARE' ' ID CLERK" are now covered names in CIA. ... Punkt jest oni tam zarypali duzo wiecej ludzi z tych i innych powodow. Sama wcaiz klamie za nich - jest gorzej niz ja pisze tu. JEST KOLLEKTYWNE FALSZOWANIE HISTORII, OCZYWISCIE WYCHODZI WPIERW Z CIA BO SIE TAM WCIAZ CHOAJA; A TAKZE NALOZYLI MUNDUR TAKIM OSOBISTOWSCION AMERYKANSKIEGO SENATU ( NIELEGALNIE TO JEST ) JAK D. FEINSTEIN, pozytywna osoba jesli nie CIA. Teraz nie ma juz kto ich odescortowac. A tez nie mysla jeszzce ze sa przestepcami jako Senatorzy. |