Data: 2013-01-22 09:59:43 | |
Autor: AC | |
fascism USA i ich nauka na swieczniku. | |
When I was a peable philosopher, I thought like this:
THIS QUOTE BELOW JUST CAME OUT PRICE TON UNIVERSITY ( it dared to arrest me for so called trespassing' but really , I was told by youngster younger than my last child, that is because the family professors there do not want me there; i have described neutron as the first one ever and have set the foundation for quantum theory; mathematics and thought future Noblists - am told most are Noblists now; Which? Italian Gambinos or the other once? I am graduate and the morons daring self like that; It is also possible that Kerry father and Kerry killing me like they can ( ASSASSINATION OF ME WAS COMPLETED TILL LEGALLY DEAD ON 8/15/2007) they think, gives them all the money we make there at Princeton. Kerry's head is checked yet? His father now only begins to look like real criminal. Which family they are advancing without me in it? PU TODAY: "The partnership with Humboldt University will have an immediate impact on a number of departments at Princeton," said Michael Jennings, the Class of 1900 Professor of Modern Languages and professor of German. "German, philosophy and the history of science are already involved in cooperative endeavors, including not just faculty and student exchange, but collaborative research and publication projects. BUT, THEY, PEOPLE RUN A FULL MOUTH NOW, AND WHERE.... AT PRINCETON THAT IS TO BE SO DAMY ( FALLING AT 6 TH PLACE IN THE COUNTRY) DOES NOT MAKE UNIVERSITY DUMMY LIKE THAT AUTOMATICALLY BUT... THEY CAN DO THAT)AS TO NOT KNOW OWN PARTS NOW. This is not as funny> I am asking true American military to completely empty Princeton to check into the criminal activities in the catacombs, towers cathedral, remote dorms, forest with the Princeton buss stops and the rest of the outfit. They might just do it. ( there is a report of killing using Kerry chip or Kerry chip intercept at the area controlled by Princeton university; military subjects are victims. The proposal is that if Princeton degrees are real, they can pick any graduate school in the USA, the greater that is, with, to work towards science integration that way, subject to further negotiation. The Sao Paulo science sexiacs can wait, in my book. Fair consideration should be expected from the 'receiving' universities, and that is under the assumption that Princeton University spreads the knowledge. The undergraduates same should check who around between state Universities here , in NY, Ohio and Pennsylvania matches their interest. I would not high praise private places as we have a problem with fascists picking children while private school- ALSO BRITISH CALL UNIVERSITY ANYTHING AND ARE ABLE TO MISREPRESENT EVEN BACKS COUNTY COLLEGE- can represent that they have own security while that be not true and jurisdictional issues will get complicated; while at the State Universities the supervision regarding same problem of having fascists target children and youth can be easier supervised using the established channels and having the formal authority. We do not want people feel that Hitlers are coming but going only. ADVISERS, WHEN THIS BE RUN DOWN, IT MIGHT BE SHORT DECISION AS THE MILITARY HAS TO HANDLE IT AS EMERGENCY UNDER STRICT COMMAND, DO DISPUTE FOR SELF FIRST WHERE IS THE BEST MUCH FOR THE SUBJECT MATTERS AT PU; I WILL NOT SUGGEST HERE AS I DO NOT SEE BUDGETS AND HOW CONGESTED UNI ARE. I SOMETIMES MATCH BY DISTINCTION IN PARTICULAR STUDY SUBJECTS THAT ALSO ARE MAKING ADVANCES AT THE VIRTUAL FILED WORK, WHICH IS SMALL PART BUT CAN BE OR BECOME SIGNIFICANT. AT THE FIVU WE MOSTLY ADVANCE CYBERNETICS, BIONICS ( FROM THE STANDPOINT OF EARTH, NOT COSMOS OR OTHER PLANETS, BUT HAVE CERTAIN PARALLEL EXPERIENCES IN REPLICATING BIO-CENTERS USING THESE 2 SCIENCES), PHYSIOLOGY, META THEORIES IN ALL SCIENCES; ETHNOGRAPHY, TOPOLOGY BUT NOT FLAT OR SO CALLED SPHERICAL GEOMETRY OR WHATEVER TERMS WINS; AND MANY OTHERS,THAT WE BELIEVE ARE VERY RELEVANT FOR THE FUTURE BUT ALSO FOR REPAIRING LOST PART OF SCIENCE ( this loss is done not by peablism alone - by fascists that still hatch at PU) It seems tome that spreading students for interstate exchanges and enhancing science exchange and integration that way is much better. I also expect support from upstairs. I am formerly elected high USA officials that fascists are trying to kill for years without success; i live without contact with anyone from my family for 5 years; bush stopped any money for me ever with no legal cause; food stamps were stopped by Tom Ridge as if 'Army'. Ridge and Kerry plasters self monuments at PU and hid the Wilson School , suspected of being scene of crime, from any public view. Wilson College is not Wilson School. |