Data: 2009-07-01 13:38:11 | |
Autor: Me | |
Tarantula air cleaner and "flying reversable tarantula" | |
( do not be jealeus - there is much more work to get the answer to
several questions implied: 1. Is the anachroid space in brain in any way sharing the evolutionary features with anachroids - and of caouse can we exploit that knowledge for us; are there other evolutionary lessons from taratulas ( why this choise - they are energy factories using color light - their speciality in adjusting to environ; very worhy to get full understaanding for bio- engineeers, neuro- bio scientits, and environmentalists/ climatologists); color specilists - for al purposes; also the reactreating tarantualas fro screach seems easieeerthat otern creatures; degree of atractivelnes in working the invisioble visible clors, play of body parts in tarantulas and others). The "frying reversable tarantula" is the ready made mutant robot. 2. Do transitional features of tarantula open several lines of the evolution 3. Cleaning and moisturing environ as environmental asset 4. These special indiosyncracies of tarantuala might carry clues on the light splits and particle factory by tarantulas ( they do to - but explanation requires lots of nano prerequisite that are not always eavailable in literature and I will not risk misuderstandings) This one is based on the full circulation of particles. It is very interesting – it can draw wider cycle of environ when under the While the classic cleaner that we made last summer called “Choco” has This one starts up the cycle on plain water with some variations The capital area is cleaned by the draw from the “tarantula cleaner” Co pomaga stworzeniu localnego oczyszczacza natury ( troche eklektuczniw,m ale musze bronic niektoruych sekretow) 1. Likalizacja - skrzyzowanie albo bliskosc wielu lekkich prodow powietrza; gniazdo oczyszczajace powyzej niskiego przeplywu - to jezdnia 2. Szlachetne swierki w poblizu, pobudzane ruchem albo przez swietliki 3. Wiele budunkow ktore uzdatniaja powietrze z wysciem na nasz TARANTULA CLEANER 4. Duzo przechodnow w wielu kierunkach. 5 Bliskopsc lekko naradiowanych objektow - Kapiatal i pomniki 6. Napad z powietrza ktory zainicjowal wzmocnione interakcje z otoczeniem 7. Nie wiem czy wrzcenie trucizny bylo konieczne ; przypuszczam ze nie 8. Nie wiem co NASA wrzucila poza tym ze podsuszyla krzaki, ale dalam im 'lekka" wode do wchlaniania. 9. Ptaki, muchy i muszki, skorpiony popularne wielkie pszczoly kiedy kwiaty kwitna ( moze pomaga jesli kwiaty sa biale - wplywa to na gre niewidzialnych kolorow) 10. Temperatua spadla okolo 10 stopni i spowodowala uprzjemniajacy efekt u przechodniow czy pracujacych w okolicy - mozliwe ze w wojnie czastek - reakcje mozgow odgrywaja duzop wieksza role niz my chcemy przyznac - zaczelo sie samnowzmacnianie 11. Cyclicznosc "wojny" - w innych miejscach Gates przyslal ludzi do popodcinania galezi i zatrucia korzeni poze nuklerneymi atakami z powietrza, ale tylko czesciowo wygral z natura; cyklicznoc jesnak zostala zmieniona ( zarozno na lepsze hjak im na goprsze ale nie moge dawac wieclej clues); a tu pajaki, 2 tarantule i popularne wielkie karaluchy zapobigly temu. 12. Nie wiem czy lightning bugs" ( swietliki i pasi koniki ) sa konieczna dla podtrzymana efektow ; na pewno pomagaja. 13. Wzmacnialam kazdy z tym efektow na miejscu 14. Inne: LIGHT SPLITTERS AND COLLECTORS: GRITS THAT EASY GROW BLACK GRAINS, GRAPE JUCE THAT TARANTULA BABY USED UNDER THE HATCHING BOTTLE, WATER DROPS ON THE BUSH ( WHEN BUSH RESPONSIVE; WZMACNIANIE RUCH LISCI PRZY POMOCY STOPNIOVEGO UWRAZLIWIANIA ICH WODA ( KIEDY DZIALA) MALYM DELIKATNYM KOLYANIEM KIEDY PARTICLES JUSZ CYRKULUJA, 'HALASEM' - MUZYKA LUB DZWIEKIEM; SPECIALNYM ARANZOWANIEM PRZESTRZENI UWRAZLIWIONEJ NA CZASTECZKI - PRZY POMOCY METODYCZNEGO POBUDZANIA TYCH REAKCJI. ( CENTER - PERIPHERY ; DRAFT POINTS SELECTED BY ENFORCING CAPACITY; WLACZNAI WLASNEJ AURY, JESLI DZIALA - ROZWODNIONY SZAMPON - W NAJMNIJESZYCH ILOSCIACH PODLACZONY DO CYRKULOWANIA CZASTEK ITP ITD. Slimes and larves dried and arranged the light in the other "bio" where 2 trantulas grew. They might be be of earlier forms of ratantula. there is no one way of multiplication on this level of evolution; ants - grow till the separate to two; or ant mother makes them between their legs; at times they frow out of smallest red jumping flee, they show up by the spilled coffe easily; they desitnagrate easy under the laser. Today the 'flying tarantula" like uinsect was identified - rolled on both sides, on one charges of the lenty wings just like bounty ( exercize model) does and had narrow while front as the Bushland tried to close the lightning bugs back sack that eluminated in the "tarantula cleaner' bio, but did that only on the flying sample in the front, not in the back of insect. These listed as sample of bushland tranlational problems when they try to intervenue. always in the negative that is. "Flying reverable tarantula" had large black circle under the "belly" and was easy turning over and recovering it. That was fun to watch. |