Grupy dyskusyjne   »   pl.soc.polityka   »   Taday on the River Line ( 1)

Taday on the River Line ( 1)

Data: 2010-03-05 13:44:51
Autor: Me
Taday on the River Line ( 1)
1. New sounds carry out very far, heard even on the train ( train is
sound sensative as part
of the programming by the ecological team). That is probably by turkey

"Wild turkeys are surprisingly agile fliers and cunning, unlike their
domestic counterparts. Turkeys are very cautious birds and will fly or
run at the first sign of danger. Their ideal habitat is an open
woodland or savanna,[4] where they may fly beneath the canopy top and
find perches. They usually fly close to the ground for no more than a
quarter mile (400 m). Turkeys have many vocalizations: "gobbles,"
"clucks," "putts," "purrs," "yelps," "cutts," "whines," "cackles," and
"kee-kees." In early spring, male turkeys, also called gobblers or
toms, gobble to announce their presence to females and competing
males. The gobble can carry for up to a mile. Males also emit a low-
pitched "drumming" sound; produced by the movement of air in the air
sack in the chest, similar to the booming of a prairie chicken. In
addition they produce a sound known as the "spit" which is a sharp
expulsion of air from this air sack. Hens "yelp" to let gobblers know
their location." Turkey on the River hase chosen half fallen tree and
bathed in the sun.
It is posssible that many of them fly over but the variety of spiecies
here mask them, all sizable.
   ( hackers disturb lettering)
2. We also had at least 3 flying over already well developed American
eagles and several yound a few days ago; either they grew that fast
what is possible in nanized field or we have many of them. American
Egle is protected spiecies and violaters, if now any, are subject to
How said is this part.

3. Dear was probably relocated from here already - single one and very
young,  that showed up and  is not there; there is no interest to keep
them here, since the safety issues are taken very seriously - they do
not run on the road easily but we have wild satelite tracers that
navigate tehse elswhere ( The Revolution might have to wave harder at
the American values that are violated by such or otehr actions, here
or elswhere; we do not even have effectve law against such offenders;
in DC they get away without even any inquiery; a thing that is
anconceivable to the law abiding American that visits DC on business
and doers not notice the social erosion there). In any way - they are
not to be make panic; Park Service is on the scene.

4. Hords of batching, swimming and flying over ducs, seagels and
smaller birds including the blue and red jays.All seem indicating that
teh area is friendly to them. Other way too - more
than one marinas started polishing the ships; the river service almost
on alert; teh curios event takes place - Specter does not have a
chance to deepen anything  on Delaware River - river
has returned to the former shape and is narower; the bridges more
magnificient by the new light absorbtion.
 ( we also had a secret that the used up satellite was traveling far
along to power againt the
lone terrorist on that river; in case or otherwise; of setting
possible blast'; these posibilities
are faather away from the river line but we are at the receiving end
of good and bad going
with it; the spear of birds is one of them. Bird watching while
drawing the light into the river
and mash is a treat - it can be done even from the train.

5. Mash seems to be immuned 100% againt environmental polution or
disturbance via ships or anything the like and self cleans in most
intriguing way; It is a self suffficient "device" now not titling
toward what poluters wanted - a bad mash ever ; just reprocesses the
rays tahgt military mnore and moire greciuosly elicits there for no
logical reason ( there is hidden reason that is posibly a subject of
inquiery; that does not impact on the train or the nature here)

6. All municipalities ( towns) , that si over 20 of them are in full
environmental craze and compete on the positive side to make the line
more clean; enwironmental small devices
are now tries by many ( nothing expensive) and clean the side of the
rail and river even more; Investors did not wait - reserved the big
projects fast.

7. We had a train craze and few tried to open alternative nanonized
lines to not complete but compete, but they did not even start up -
the train hold the power line as well and any such attemts are withoyt

8. Many instruments are powered on the line balancing the train
beautifily early in the morning;
   Hallo - glasses do not just power during reading - viewing the
perspective in the methodical way is better.

9. Cars owners that  power nono easily ( altimatelly all do, but some
shapes and material enhance these) do not overdress the area as they
are probably foreign and do it discretely -
one can see that in the morning or later at night.

10.Train looked as Orient Express for the third time when 'specter'
people got in with then special body computers and were probably
scared themselves - action that does not make much sense.

Today diversification is great; the violaters were already aplrehended
( such came from Texas and Florida; other  action that absoletely
makes no American sense). Train before and after is very quiet and
gracefully roles the valleys; The view on the waters at sunset is
competitive to the water resorts.The rain forest that was once here is
under the consideration for renewing it; the
bioenginiers bend head on it and lots was already acomplished ( to
maintein the rain forests is one recommendation of The Copenhagen
summit that came in unambiguasly). We have
 it in the making.

11. And more pending.

Taday on the River Line ( 1)

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